Second trimester
My first visit to my appointed Gynae. I went online to research and found this gynae, Dr John Tee.
Previously, he delivered for one of my colleagues having twins too.
So, my first visit with routine(urine and BP tests) and ultra sound cost $124. Doubled the price of subsidized rate ya. Waiting time I would say not much difference la. Probably wait for half n hour or more... But when you are inside right... Like only 5mins or maybe less. What he did was a brief ultrasound, showing you the baby, measure length. You can ask agar what's the weight now. Then he will ask if you have any qns? If no, ok you can go out and make payment liao.
Wah, then you will feel gynae earn money very easy hor. But well, think about it, to get to be a gynae, you ought to have that qualification too. And you might be called in the middle of the night to deliver the baby. That's what he's paid for. Anyway, he's good, tell you more later below.
Also, I have started taking Obimin multivamin tablets, cost $13 for 60 tablets.
Week 16
While pregnant, I have been eating like nobody's business. The best excuse to eat n eat right? And won't get naggings from people.

Week 20
At about 5months pregnant, you will be asked to do a full ultra scan on the baby. To check if there's issue of the baby.
Bear in mind, once you are no longer under the subsidized class, every checks will be as specialized cost. So, the thorough check cost $130 and $7 on the routine test.
Week 24
I always sing and talk to baby, esp during my shower time and before sleeping at night. Praying that the whole pregnancy will be smooth.
And I forgotten to mention that, I am so fat that I can't put on the rings already. Also, I used to wear shoe size 37. But am wearing 38 or sometimes even 39 now. Kua zhang right? But no joke. A friend of mine was saying your feet size will more or less stay already, will not go back to back then. Sad.
Mummy's sacrifices. More to come yah.
Started to feel some kicking and movement. It's pretty interesting. But mine wasn't exactly very big movement thought.
About 6mths pregnant, normal routine checks and ultra sound check. Cos its repeat visit of same gynae, now its $80 instead of initial $105. However, at this point, was asked to do a glucose tolerance test. Was also asked to fast before doing the test. I was given a cup of super duper sweet sugar solution. Imagine you have to finish the whole cup! I felt like coughing after drinking it. An hour later, blood sample was taken to check for blood sugar level. Meaning another hour after drinking that, you still cant eat your breakfast ya... starving the hungry mummy.
Because gestational diabetes is a high blood sugar condition where some women get during pregnancy. Hence, the glucose tolerance test helps to identify as many women as possible who MAY have a problem and need further testing. So a positive result in this glucose tolerance test does not straight away means you have gestational diabetes ok?
However, mine was fine la. Lucky, cos I think I have been eating quite lots of sweet food during my pregnancy.
The glucose test cost $39. The routine (urine, BP test) was $12 (used to be $7 when subsidized class).
So total visit was $140.
Continued to take the multivitamin 60tabs ($13) and taking Natal care (fish oil) capsuls ($57)
Went for checkup again the following month. This time round, this scan copy was taken from the bottom. So, its like from her buttock. lol.
Everything was fine. Fees was as usual $92 ($80 for consultation, $12 for routine checks)
Bought Natal care plus capsule again.
Some studies found that pregnant women who consume omega-2s give birth to babies with a lower risk of food allergies and eczema. Studies also shows that the amount of DHA transmitted to the fetus through the placenta might be crucial for fetal development. Omega-3s play a pivotal role in fetal growth and development, and are essential for brain and nervous system development. It's also better to get from supplements than food for omega-3s. Cos some types of fish might contain high level of mercury which can affect the growing baby instead.
Anyway, all these are still subjected to individual. A friend of mine have been vomiting since the day she got pregnant till the day she delivered. Being a mummy, ain't easy ya.
More importantly, stay healthy, happy and a positive mindset.
So, for my second trimester, I think I have already put on 10+kg. Normally, a pregnant mummy only gained 12-16kg during their whole pregnancy ya. I just eat and eat and enjoy like a shioks only everyday.
Two things that I buay tahan (cannot tolerate) during my whole pregnancy were HOT weather and hunger. When I'm hungry, I get upset or angry easily.
Went to google, and found that feeling hot due to increased blood volume. To better handle all that extra blood, your blood vessels are dilate slightly, allowing blood to come of the surface, which can make you feel hot. In the third trimester, your metabolic rate also increases, which can also add to that overheated feeling. Hence, also perspire more. Could also due to I gained too much weight la... all the fats! Kept me too Warm liao!! lol.
But, well not to worry, after delivery, you will be back to normal.
Also, during my pregnancy, I think I got sick probably twice, but I tried to restrict myself from eating medicine. Just try to see if can get 2 days mc, I rather rest than to take medicine. This is 妈妈的伟大.
Women, women, making lots of sacrifices especially the moment you got pregnant. So guys out there, please treat your wives better.
Am grateful to have my hubby accompany me with most of the visits with the gynae. He ought to save some leaves after giving birth. Thanks hubby. When I was sick staying at home, he prepared the porridge early in the morning before he leaves for work.
Another great thing about my hubby, he normally gives a peck at my forehead before leaving for work too. What does forehead kiss means? I just went googling and found this.
That's about it for my second trimester. Stay tuned for the last trimester and my delivery experience!
3rd trimester
My first visit to my appointed Gynae. I went online to research and found this gynae, Dr John Tee.
Previously, he delivered for one of my colleagues having twins too.
So, my first visit with routine(urine and BP tests) and ultra sound cost $124. Doubled the price of subsidized rate ya. Waiting time I would say not much difference la. Probably wait for half n hour or more... But when you are inside right... Like only 5mins or maybe less. What he did was a brief ultrasound, showing you the baby, measure length. You can ask agar what's the weight now. Then he will ask if you have any qns? If no, ok you can go out and make payment liao.
Wah, then you will feel gynae earn money very easy hor. But well, think about it, to get to be a gynae, you ought to have that qualification too. And you might be called in the middle of the night to deliver the baby. That's what he's paid for. Anyway, he's good, tell you more later below.
Also, I have started taking Obimin multivamin tablets, cost $13 for 60 tablets.
My little cutie Valerie... likes to fold her legs like Mummy.
Week 16
While pregnant, I have been eating like nobody's business. The best excuse to eat n eat right? And won't get naggings from people.
Week 20
At about 5months pregnant, you will be asked to do a full ultra scan on the baby. To check if there's issue of the baby.
Bear in mind, once you are no longer under the subsidized class, every checks will be as specialized cost. So, the thorough check cost $130 and $7 on the routine test.
Week 24
I always sing and talk to baby, esp during my shower time and before sleeping at night. Praying that the whole pregnancy will be smooth.
And I forgotten to mention that, I am so fat that I can't put on the rings already. Also, I used to wear shoe size 37. But am wearing 38 or sometimes even 39 now. Kua zhang right? But no joke. A friend of mine was saying your feet size will more or less stay already, will not go back to back then. Sad.
Mummy's sacrifices. More to come yah.
Started to feel some kicking and movement. It's pretty interesting. But mine wasn't exactly very big movement thought.
About 6mths pregnant, normal routine checks and ultra sound check. Cos its repeat visit of same gynae, now its $80 instead of initial $105. However, at this point, was asked to do a glucose tolerance test. Was also asked to fast before doing the test. I was given a cup of super duper sweet sugar solution. Imagine you have to finish the whole cup! I felt like coughing after drinking it. An hour later, blood sample was taken to check for blood sugar level. Meaning another hour after drinking that, you still cant eat your breakfast ya... starving the hungry mummy.
Because gestational diabetes is a high blood sugar condition where some women get during pregnancy. Hence, the glucose tolerance test helps to identify as many women as possible who MAY have a problem and need further testing. So a positive result in this glucose tolerance test does not straight away means you have gestational diabetes ok?
However, mine was fine la. Lucky, cos I think I have been eating quite lots of sweet food during my pregnancy.
The glucose test cost $39. The routine (urine, BP test) was $12 (used to be $7 when subsidized class).
So total visit was $140.
Continued to take the multivitamin 60tabs ($13) and taking Natal care (fish oil) capsuls ($57)
Went for checkup again the following month. This time round, this scan copy was taken from the bottom. So, its like from her buttock. lol.
Everything was fine. Fees was as usual $92 ($80 for consultation, $12 for routine checks)
Bought Natal care plus capsule again.
Some studies found that pregnant women who consume omega-2s give birth to babies with a lower risk of food allergies and eczema. Studies also shows that the amount of DHA transmitted to the fetus through the placenta might be crucial for fetal development. Omega-3s play a pivotal role in fetal growth and development, and are essential for brain and nervous system development. It's also better to get from supplements than food for omega-3s. Cos some types of fish might contain high level of mercury which can affect the growing baby instead.
Anyway, all these are still subjected to individual. A friend of mine have been vomiting since the day she got pregnant till the day she delivered. Being a mummy, ain't easy ya.
More importantly, stay healthy, happy and a positive mindset.
So, for my second trimester, I think I have already put on 10+kg. Normally, a pregnant mummy only gained 12-16kg during their whole pregnancy ya. I just eat and eat and enjoy like a shioks only everyday.
Two things that I buay tahan (cannot tolerate) during my whole pregnancy were HOT weather and hunger. When I'm hungry, I get upset or angry easily.
Went to google, and found that feeling hot due to increased blood volume. To better handle all that extra blood, your blood vessels are dilate slightly, allowing blood to come of the surface, which can make you feel hot. In the third trimester, your metabolic rate also increases, which can also add to that overheated feeling. Hence, also perspire more. Could also due to I gained too much weight la... all the fats! Kept me too Warm liao!! lol.
But, well not to worry, after delivery, you will be back to normal.
Also, during my pregnancy, I think I got sick probably twice, but I tried to restrict myself from eating medicine. Just try to see if can get 2 days mc, I rather rest than to take medicine. This is 妈妈的伟大.
Women, women, making lots of sacrifices especially the moment you got pregnant. So guys out there, please treat your wives better.
Am grateful to have my hubby accompany me with most of the visits with the gynae. He ought to save some leaves after giving birth. Thanks hubby. When I was sick staying at home, he prepared the porridge early in the morning before he leaves for work.
Another great thing about my hubby, he normally gives a peck at my forehead before leaving for work too. What does forehead kiss means? I just went googling and found this.
The Forehead kiss: “A non threatening form of affection”. (From a lover’s point of view, someone you have been intimate with, i.e.: not your grandma!)
It’s the kiss that says I really care for you and I want to look after you and protect you. He feels comfort in being around you and with you, and without using words ( as men sometimes battle to express themselves) he is able to show you how much he cares without whimpering a word. This kiss implies his respect for you and that he doesn’t only want you to feed his sexual appetite, but emotionally respect and be there for you. Some guy friends laugh as they tell me; it’s the closest thing to kiss without having to put in too much effort and that they know it makes the girls melt. I proceed to give him a little slap on his arm and shake my head. The laughter subsides and in one final line he says; “he likes you, he respects you and he won’t be going anywhere else anytime soon.”
That's about it for my second trimester. Stay tuned for the last trimester and my delivery experience!
3rd trimester
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