How was my pregnancy?
Beware, it's gonna be pretty wordy!
It was full of ups and downs. Something that nobody have preempt u. I always thought just pregnant ma.... easy peasy la.. just eat sleep like a pig lo... but NO...
Probably could also be that among my friends, I'm considered the first few getting pregnant.
I never heard of pregnancy issue from my friends or colleagues. Never about complications, or having to do so many tests, some serious case will even need to be on bed rest for months till giving birth, etc.
But anyway, let's go one by one. We have chose to go through polyclinic to get referral to KKH.
Many asked why choose KKH? Why arh, hmm I heard a lot of colleagues and friends went there with good reviews eh. Also, I supposed it's definitely gonna be cheaper than privates.
We went in as subsidized C ward patient, meaning its definitely cheaper. But also means that each time you visit the gynae, will be different, and you might ended up having a gynae whom you have never seen before doing the delivery for you.
Once you decided to visit a particular gynae, that is considered as private already. So, we only switch to private gynae at around week 16, cos some gynae doesn't wanna take in after that. So, we save a little for the first few visits. The waiting time for C or private was about the same, not very long la... probably everything done including payment maybe 1-2hrs plus? Fyi, subsided class are paying just half of the payment bills ya. Bare in mind, there's quite some tests to do in the beginning. I will explain below.
I find the service at KKH quite ok, nice and responsible nurses and doctors. Fees wise also quite affordable. Only thing was that, it's really far from my place. Most of the time, we would take a cab back. Cos, we were tired and lazy to take the train which will be about an hour journey.
We also took up KKH antenatal programme. It consists of 8 sessions in total. Each session last about 90mins. Sessions held once a week. One of the sessions will be on a weekend which will last 3hrs.
There were weekdays and weekends classes.
Weekday class: 6.30pm to 8.15pm
Weekend class: 11.15am to 1pm
For KKH patients:
$150 for weekday classes
$180 for weekend classes
For non-KKH patients:
$200 for weekday classes
$230 for weekend classes
You are encouraged to have your husband attending the class with you.
Find out more here:
Pretty useful and interesting. Teaching you what to eat, what to prevent? What should you and should not do? What your husband can do for you? (Massage massage for you, hahahhaha). Breathing ways, how to calm yourself? what to take note? Some exercises you can do when there's free time? Pelvic exercise. How to breastfeed? How to bathe the baby, etc etc.
And it's really good if your partner can participate together. It's also a form of bonding.
I remembered once, my hubby was late... and all other mummies have their husband beside them doing the exercise together... I was so upset.. almost felt like crying...
But lucky, not for long, he came and join us. hehehheheee
First Trimester
During the first trimester, believe it or not, you will be so damn tired. ok, maybe not you, but for me, I almost dozed off many times. Or rather, I think I have dozed off, haha.
Probably, it's also my first pregnancy, I tend to be very careful with everything. Already walk very slow liao... that time lagi slower. In the bus or MRT, I would afraid ppl bump onto me, gets too close to me. I'll take the lift than to walk the stairs.
Started to take photos of the little baby bump. But I think the first trimester shouldn't be showing much de la... so mine should be purely fats... cos I'm having the best excuse to EAT EAT EAT! Haha.
About week 4
That should be my tummy... haha.
Was about 1 month plus, den suddenly I have got some spotting. Was so stressed and worried about little Valerie. So, I headed down to KKH 24hrs emergency centre to check if Baby is fine.
And checked that she was all fine, but gynae suggested to rest on bed, not too much movement.
And so I didn't make it to Wendy's ROM. Sorry, Wendy!
My first visit to the 24hrs emergency centre cost around $110 (consists of first visit consultation fees, routine simple screen, and a blood check on the Beta-HCG)
Second visit at two days later, to check the Beta-HCG levels and routine simple screen and results cost $72.
The little black round thing... that's Valerie...
Oh ya, I'm not too sure for other hospitals. But for KKH, every each ultra sound, they will give you a copy of the scan.
Week 8
little bump slightly bigger...
I'm still trying hard to dress well, looking good.
Cos I always wanna be a Cool, IN, mummy!
Bought a lot of clothes from Qoo10, but not all are nice... :(
Week 12
I still suspect those were fats, and I'm already gaining like 4 to 5kg?
Whereby, normally preggys just gain 1 to 3kg?

Getting more visible... I wonder is it really her or am I eating too much lately.
Cool Mummy, Yoz.
Bought this, but it looks more like a pyjamas.
We were being asked if we wanna do the blood test to check for down syndrome. So we went ahead to do the test. So, they took some blood from us, also our age is also a factor of it.
These tests cost $140 (still on subsidized rate, meaning just paying half the actual amount).
About 2 weeks plus time, I went for a slightly thorough ultra sound screening ($80). And afterwards we were brought to the doctor and was told that we are at a slightly higher risk than normal people of having a down syndrome baby. Immediately, I tear. My mind went blank, really blank. Why? oh Why? Why me? Why us? Why?
We were then asked if we wanna do a 99.9% check, which is to do a DNA test of the baby. Either to
do a CVS (Chorionic Villus Sampling) or Amniocentesis? What's the difference? CVS poke into your placenta and get sample while Amniocentesis withdraws small amount of amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus. CVS, you make do the test within that week straight away, whereas for Amniocentesis, you will need to wait till about week 20 to be more stable to get the sample. Both % risk of miscarriage is the same, 0.3%. So, of cos I wanna do it fast and get the result right? Whatever result, at least we can have more time to make decisions right?
So, I did the CVS the next following day. Cost $375 still at a subsidized rate ya. This can be used by Medisave.
The gynae will first have to check if the placenta is at the right position for him to poke and retrieve some DNA. If the position is not ok, you'll have to wait for week 20 to do the amnio. Luckily, mine was alright, so gynae POKED right through my tummy, straight into my placenta and get quite an amount of sample for testing. It's painful. And the slightly low blood me, felt like fainting already. After I came out, I just lie on flat on few chairs while waiting for payment. Hubby do the payment for me. I was given 2 days MC to stay at home for bed rest.

So, about 2 weeks later for my checkup, I gotten the result. Valerie is fine! And because its a DNA test, we also got to know the sex of the baby.
Baby is a female karyotype with no apparent abnormalities. Thank god. I was praying for her every single day. I also thank for the people who prayed for her. Couldn't sleep well and crying hard every night until the result was out. Kept the tears by myself cos I doesn't wanna make Hubby worry too. I know he's stressed and worried but just acting cool in front of me so as not to make me feel more worried.
Ever since I got pregnant, Google have became my buddy. I looked for him also everyday. It's a good and bad thing. Sometimes when you started googling, it seems fine. And the deeper you go, there seems to be a lot of scenarios that might happen, and you begin to THINK TOO MUCH.
So, all is fine. One last visit at the subsidized rate at Specialised Clinic C was $64.
For my first trimester, I think I am still considered lucky. Cos I don't really suffer from nausea. As for morning sickness, mine was more like evening sickness. But, overall was still ok, probably vomited once a day? But I was really super duper tired, be it day or night. I almost dozed off a few time at work.
I don't have anything that I suddenly like or dislike. I don't really have particular craving, and even if I do, my hubby also didn't bother to go and buy for me de la. My cravings all came from Instagram pictures.... So, when I saw wanton mee.... I will feel like eating lo. But I don't particularly have to eat it right away. It can be few days later or even weeks. There's once at night, hungry hungry... told hubby.... he said eat biscuit and go sleep then you won't feel hungry liao. So bad right?!
Probably, also cos it was my first pregnancy, I tend to be extra careful with everything I do and use.
Like boarding the train or mrt, walking down the stairs. Check on the products and things that I eat, make sure if baby-friendly. No salmon, no raw food. Even the shampoo I used. Kia su me lah.
Thanks to my family and dearest sisters who accompanied and listening to my nags ever since I got pregnant.
That's about it for my first trimester.
Stay tuned for my 2nd trimester of pregnancy.
2nd trimester
Beware, it's gonna be pretty wordy!
It was full of ups and downs. Something that nobody have preempt u. I always thought just pregnant ma.... easy peasy la.. just eat sleep like a pig lo... but NO...
Probably could also be that among my friends, I'm considered the first few getting pregnant.
I never heard of pregnancy issue from my friends or colleagues. Never about complications, or having to do so many tests, some serious case will even need to be on bed rest for months till giving birth, etc.
But anyway, let's go one by one. We have chose to go through polyclinic to get referral to KKH.
Many asked why choose KKH? Why arh, hmm I heard a lot of colleagues and friends went there with good reviews eh. Also, I supposed it's definitely gonna be cheaper than privates.
We went in as subsidized C ward patient, meaning its definitely cheaper. But also means that each time you visit the gynae, will be different, and you might ended up having a gynae whom you have never seen before doing the delivery for you.
Once you decided to visit a particular gynae, that is considered as private already. So, we only switch to private gynae at around week 16, cos some gynae doesn't wanna take in after that. So, we save a little for the first few visits. The waiting time for C or private was about the same, not very long la... probably everything done including payment maybe 1-2hrs plus? Fyi, subsided class are paying just half of the payment bills ya. Bare in mind, there's quite some tests to do in the beginning. I will explain below.
I find the service at KKH quite ok, nice and responsible nurses and doctors. Fees wise also quite affordable. Only thing was that, it's really far from my place. Most of the time, we would take a cab back. Cos, we were tired and lazy to take the train which will be about an hour journey.
We also took up KKH antenatal programme. It consists of 8 sessions in total. Each session last about 90mins. Sessions held once a week. One of the sessions will be on a weekend which will last 3hrs.
There were weekdays and weekends classes.
Weekday class: 6.30pm to 8.15pm
Weekend class: 11.15am to 1pm
For KKH patients:
$150 for weekday classes
$180 for weekend classes
For non-KKH patients:
$200 for weekday classes
$230 for weekend classes
You are encouraged to have your husband attending the class with you.
Find out more here:
Pretty useful and interesting. Teaching you what to eat, what to prevent? What should you and should not do? What your husband can do for you? (Massage massage for you, hahahhaha). Breathing ways, how to calm yourself? what to take note? Some exercises you can do when there's free time? Pelvic exercise. How to breastfeed? How to bathe the baby, etc etc.
And it's really good if your partner can participate together. It's also a form of bonding.
I remembered once, my hubby was late... and all other mummies have their husband beside them doing the exercise together... I was so upset.. almost felt like crying...
But lucky, not for long, he came and join us. hehehheheee
First Trimester
During the first trimester, believe it or not, you will be so damn tired. ok, maybe not you, but for me, I almost dozed off many times. Or rather, I think I have dozed off, haha.
Probably, it's also my first pregnancy, I tend to be very careful with everything. Already walk very slow liao... that time lagi slower. In the bus or MRT, I would afraid ppl bump onto me, gets too close to me. I'll take the lift than to walk the stairs.
Started to take photos of the little baby bump. But I think the first trimester shouldn't be showing much de la... so mine should be purely fats... cos I'm having the best excuse to EAT EAT EAT! Haha.
About week 4
That should be my tummy... haha.
Was about 1 month plus, den suddenly I have got some spotting. Was so stressed and worried about little Valerie. So, I headed down to KKH 24hrs emergency centre to check if Baby is fine.
And checked that she was all fine, but gynae suggested to rest on bed, not too much movement.
And so I didn't make it to Wendy's ROM. Sorry, Wendy!
My first visit to the 24hrs emergency centre cost around $110 (consists of first visit consultation fees, routine simple screen, and a blood check on the Beta-HCG)
Second visit at two days later, to check the Beta-HCG levels and routine simple screen and results cost $72.
The little black round thing... that's Valerie...
Oh ya, I'm not too sure for other hospitals. But for KKH, every each ultra sound, they will give you a copy of the scan.
Week 8
little bump slightly bigger...
My first check up at the Specialist centre under subsidized class.
Valerie getting bigger.
The fees was $66 (consists of new visit, routine urine and blood pressure test, ultrasound)
The wait was rather alright.
I'm still trying hard to dress well, looking good.
Cos I always wanna be a Cool, IN, mummy!
Bought a lot of clothes from Qoo10, but not all are nice... :(
Week 12
I still suspect those were fats, and I'm already gaining like 4 to 5kg?
Whereby, normally preggys just gain 1 to 3kg?
Getting more visible... I wonder is it really her or am I eating too much lately.
Cool Mummy, Yoz.
Bought this, but it looks more like a pyjamas.
We were being asked if we wanna do the blood test to check for down syndrome. So we went ahead to do the test. So, they took some blood from us, also our age is also a factor of it.
These tests cost $140 (still on subsidized rate, meaning just paying half the actual amount).
About 2 weeks plus time, I went for a slightly thorough ultra sound screening ($80). And afterwards we were brought to the doctor and was told that we are at a slightly higher risk than normal people of having a down syndrome baby. Immediately, I tear. My mind went blank, really blank. Why? oh Why? Why me? Why us? Why?
We were then asked if we wanna do a 99.9% check, which is to do a DNA test of the baby. Either to
do a CVS (Chorionic Villus Sampling) or Amniocentesis? What's the difference? CVS poke into your placenta and get sample while Amniocentesis withdraws small amount of amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus. CVS, you make do the test within that week straight away, whereas for Amniocentesis, you will need to wait till about week 20 to be more stable to get the sample. Both % risk of miscarriage is the same, 0.3%. So, of cos I wanna do it fast and get the result right? Whatever result, at least we can have more time to make decisions right?
So, I did the CVS the next following day. Cost $375 still at a subsidized rate ya. This can be used by Medisave.
The gynae will first have to check if the placenta is at the right position for him to poke and retrieve some DNA. If the position is not ok, you'll have to wait for week 20 to do the amnio. Luckily, mine was alright, so gynae POKED right through my tummy, straight into my placenta and get quite an amount of sample for testing. It's painful. And the slightly low blood me, felt like fainting already. After I came out, I just lie on flat on few chairs while waiting for payment. Hubby do the payment for me. I was given 2 days MC to stay at home for bed rest.
Doctor was saying Val's Nuchal translucency was slightly bigger, so it also add on to the risk of the down syndrome baby.
Nuchal translucency is a collection of fluid under the skin at the back of your baby's neck. All babies have some fluid at the back of their neck. But many babies with Down's syndrome have an increased amount.
An NT of less than 3.5mm is considered normal. So, Val's was 3.6mm. However' an increased NT does not mean there is definitely a problem. Baby with an NT of 6mm has a high risk of Down's as well as other chromosomal abnormalities and heart problems.
To calculate overall risk, they will measure your age and the measurements from your bb NT scan.

So, about 2 weeks later for my checkup, I gotten the result. Valerie is fine! And because its a DNA test, we also got to know the sex of the baby.
Baby is a female karyotype with no apparent abnormalities. Thank god. I was praying for her every single day. I also thank for the people who prayed for her. Couldn't sleep well and crying hard every night until the result was out. Kept the tears by myself cos I doesn't wanna make Hubby worry too. I know he's stressed and worried but just acting cool in front of me so as not to make me feel more worried.
Ever since I got pregnant, Google have became my buddy. I looked for him also everyday. It's a good and bad thing. Sometimes when you started googling, it seems fine. And the deeper you go, there seems to be a lot of scenarios that might happen, and you begin to THINK TOO MUCH.
So, all is fine. One last visit at the subsidized rate at Specialised Clinic C was $64.
For my first trimester, I think I am still considered lucky. Cos I don't really suffer from nausea. As for morning sickness, mine was more like evening sickness. But, overall was still ok, probably vomited once a day? But I was really super duper tired, be it day or night. I almost dozed off a few time at work.
I don't have anything that I suddenly like or dislike. I don't really have particular craving, and even if I do, my hubby also didn't bother to go and buy for me de la. My cravings all came from Instagram pictures.... So, when I saw wanton mee.... I will feel like eating lo. But I don't particularly have to eat it right away. It can be few days later or even weeks. There's once at night, hungry hungry... told hubby.... he said eat biscuit and go sleep then you won't feel hungry liao. So bad right?!
Probably, also cos it was my first pregnancy, I tend to be extra careful with everything I do and use.
Like boarding the train or mrt, walking down the stairs. Check on the products and things that I eat, make sure if baby-friendly. No salmon, no raw food. Even the shampoo I used. Kia su me lah.
Thanks to my family and dearest sisters who accompanied and listening to my nags ever since I got pregnant.
That's about it for my first trimester.
Stay tuned for my 2nd trimester of pregnancy.
2nd trimester
How come ur cvs test so cheap? mine thousand plus after subsidy?
Are you local? Test taken in KKH?
Yes Kkh.I'm pr subsidy.i guess because I did extra for blood Dna to test thalassemia trait.thank you girl
Hi Apple,
My name dennis, notice your post was published back in 2014, yet it was so beneficial to young parent.
My was just pregnant for 7 weeks. Yet, I am still worries with so many things. Yes, just like your husband, I pret to be cool but I am anxious with a lot of things.
For the ultrasound, my parent and Google say, it will not advised to have the scan until 12 weeks but KK hospital'AMC had conducted our 1st screening at week 7, is this usual for all pregnancy mum?
After the consultant, we will also advised to come back in next 2 weeks times without much explanation
Thanks for your sharing, very grateful
Dennis Loh
Hi Dennis,
I have replied you in the email. Do feel free to ask me anything. :)
Hello apple,
May I know do you need referal letter from normal clinic in order to have 1st appointment in KKH ?
Or I can just walk in to KKH
Hi Hoi Yung,
Yes you need to go to polyclinic to get your referral.
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