Wedding Dinner 15 Sep 2013
Warning: Be prepared to be bombarded with SUPER LOADS of PHOTOs!
After all the rush here rush there..... My elder bro drove us to Grand Copthorne Waterfront hotel around 3pm. So we had a short bath, then went to check out with the coordinator.
Was so worried, cos my CD couldn't be played!!!
But lucky I brought my laptop.
Childhood montage Cd was ok. Then after which, have to use my lappy for the grand march in.
Then 2nd march in, have to use my lappy for the morning highlights too!! Cos, the videographer CD cant work on their DVD player too. oh man... So I have to switch morning highlights video... then quickly click song on my lappy for 2nd march in.... And I'm definitely leaving all these to my little bro... to manage...
Of cos still feeling nervous, afraid that it might cock up....
But it went smoothly... so happy and relieved!!!
So, the time plan as follow....
Rehearsal / Briefing with Emcee and coordinator
Cocktail reception & Arrival of guests
Childhood Montage
Grand entrance
Cake Cutting
Bride to change outfit
Wedding Highlight video
Champagne pouring
Thank you speech
Table to table toasting and photography
The room which claim to be bridal suite... was pretty small...
Wonder could it be due to our number of tables lesser.... give us a smaller room...
Like studio apartment....
But its quite comfy la... toilet quite big...
There's washing machine and dryer.... mini living room....
Was too busy... didn't take much photo of the room... arghhh..

Cute bed sheet

With the wordings on it.

Complementary fruit cake, some fruits and chocolate...
We can also order 2 main courses before the dinner.... but we decided to do it after the wedding dinner...
After the whole thing ended.

We were able to choose either English fruit cake or chocolate cake...
I wanted chocolate cake.... but you know... someone........

Placed the stuffs on the shelves... Later then bring down to reception...

Time to start my makeup... around 6pm.

Wondering why no one design a gown whereby we can place our hp in it...

Here comes my family....
Meanwhile, my bros and sis were busying with their rehearsals, and arranging the props and decos.

If you still remember, i posted this on my previous entry...
These were the sort of MOVIE TICKETS for the SHOW.

A movie date with US!
So, after registration, you'll be given this one and only ticket.... to your Threatre Room (aka Table Number).
This was designed by Lijia... one of my Precious Sis... who couldnt make it for my wedding... happily working in Saudi Arabia....

Movie posters (designed by Leon) and wedding album...

A1 size poster... printed at Sunplaza... not as expensive as i thought so...
I think it was around $20-35... cant really recall....

I pretty like all the posters.... Thanks Leon.

This logo was designed by another great sis... Rayne...
This is meant for the packaging of the popcorn!

What is a movie date without popcorn right?!!
Thanks Xinyi... for helping me to pack 150packs of popcorn!
Not easy kkkkkkk......

This angbao box.... was also designed by Lijia with the movie theme!


The guest book also done by Lijia... with some pictures and filmrollll.....

Ok, this was done by myself... lol...
Nowadays... its kinda common... to INSTAGRAM it please! wahhaaaa
But the idea of the #sample1314 was by Rayne too.....haha
SAMuel + apPLE = SAMPLE!

Camera ACTION!

DIY Photo booth done by Rayne...

The movie entry ticket!

Bought this at Anchorpoint Typo outlet... for $2 each.

The fake wedding cake...

Table settings...

The ballroom

VIP table

The stage

Table no. poster also done by Leon.

Wedding favors... the couple keychain

Am pretty glad that most of the guest were quite punctual, could also be due to mostly were friends and colleagues and we did not have as many tables la.... Normally its the family members who dilly dally... :)
I have preempt all my friends.... that they better come early ya... so that we can end early... settle early..
count my angbao... and off to Slp!!! wahahaa
So, we were able to start on time around 8.10pm.

Yiwen & Wanpin... who helped me with the registration of guests.

Limin... the Chen Xiao jie!!! has also helped out too...

The guys dressed up... to prepare for their show! lol
Before the march in.... its the childhood montage... which was done by Rayne...
She's really talented... i have always been asking her to try the marketing line...
Abit long... but its really cute... haha... and a little short video of a marriage life.

Shanna (Cleopetra) & Zhao Hong (Pharaoh)

Wei qin (Superman) & Jeslyn (Wonderwoman)!

Limin (Chen xiao jie) & Calvin (Lao Fu zi)

Wendy (Tracy from hairspray) & Justin (Elvis)


Rayne (Snow white) & Steven (Aladdin)

With the poison Apple.

Bang Bang...

The movie characters! without us!!!

They are always having fun without me... yucks..
Wendy seems barefooted from this photo... haha.

Snowwhite with Laofuzi's specs.

Sam had to go down to entertain the guest first, as quite a number of them have reached.
Meanwhile, I'm still doing my makeups and hairdo.

So, he's having fun with the guests.
That's Hui yi & Hanni... from my poly gang.

Jeslyn (the next bride in our poly gang), Hui yi & Yiwen

My Papa Mama & Matthias!

My 25yrs of helper...
Who have helped me with the washing, ironing of clothes... cooking... etc!!!!
She's Amy!

My polygang!

The bro's and their partner.

busy busy busy...

My family~

Rayne... helping me with the polaroid taking~


Sam's ex colleagues...

Sam's colleague

Thanks u gals!

Sam with his 3 sis

Sam's family~

My colleagues.... Eeling and Wee wee

Sam's colleague

Girls power!
Okok.... here comes the BRIDE~
And seriously... i dont have to move.
Just stand there... and people started queuing up to take photo with me.

Desmond & Hanni from poly gang

Zheng Jie(the guy who brought me & sam together) & Sijun (Poly fren)

Huiyi & Hongchun (Poly gang)

My relatives.

Not sure why... but many of the guests were wearing BLUE?!

Bernard & Jeslyn (the couple who is going to get married next)!

My colleagues~

Close colleague~

Familyyy group photo... looks a bit weird though...
Wendy la.... at the side there... extra...

My poly year 1 group!
Been a while since we last meet up...
And they are still the SAME!!!
As childish as before.

My sec + poly friends!

Sam's sec sch frens~

My cousins.

Poly gang... almost all of them have gotten a BTO...
So its soon gonna be their wedding too...
Cant wait!

My primary school friends

My primary school friends and teacher!!! Amazing isnt it.

My colleagues

Sam's ex colleagues

Group shot please!

Ok, one last one before you guys go get ready!

The 2 of us...
Oh ya... red carpet... for movie walkway....

Hosei la!

Peeking at what's happening inside...


The grand entrance by Cleopatra & Pharaoh

To treat her like a queen always... (That's what Sam needs to do)

Wonderwoman and superman were too fast....
Only managed to get a shot of wonderwoman with my Mama

Hi Everybody, here comes Chen xiao jie and Lao fu zi!

Lao ti ko... slap you !

byeee... wahhhaaa...

Here comes Tracy and Elvis...

Surprisingly so steady bom pi pi

Blow bubbles~

Snow white & Aladdin~

Actually there's like a storyline by the Emcee...
But i have forgotten already... hahaaa
Last but not least....
The Best Movie Stars!
The wedding couple~

Gown to pong pong liao... need help

Oops.. a petal on Sam's head.. haha..

Let's cut the fake cake~

My fake hair pretty long yeahhh..

ok, let's sit... and EAT!

Father mother...

Papa Mama

The Emcee - Weiqin

Twist twist..

My Bros and Dasao

Hi Matt matt

First dish is finally out~
And oh ya... we have chose our first course song: Beauty and the beast - Be our Guest.
Something cute and fun... and link to our movie theme...
Oh ya, and our grand entrance for the couples were edited by us...
Each couple have their movie theme songs...
Lastly, our own march in song was - A love that will last by Renee Olstead

Food served for VIP tables.

2nd dish - Abalone soup.
Everyone gets to eat an abalone!
Shioks right.

Ducky ducky with fried bun

It's pretty yummy lei...
Ok.... time to go up and change for 2nd outfit and hairstyle.
My second march in song: Thousand years.
And lucky my lil bro really did a great job.... everything went well...
Thanks bro!

As usual... we peeked form the outside again~

Papa smiling... I think its the morning highlights video...
the chili part... where all the bros were crying... wahhaaa

His father mother were laughing away too.

That nervous look... cos I'm going to sing on stage later... a surprise for Samuel!!!
I have been singing almost everyday myself... recorded and sent to my sistersss till they siannn

Here we are...

Yeah man...
Wave like a pro pls.

And hokey pokey turn yourself around...

Pop the champagne....!


Lim ar!

Come on ppl... it's the traditional... YUM SENG time!!
Brothers and sisters... Family members... Up on stage please!


Yum Yum Yummmmmmm

YuuuMMM argghhhh

Matt matt so harpi!


Thank you speech time...
So I let hubby start first...

Once a lame guy... always a lame guy...

He's glad to have me.. I know...

My turn....arghhh... Nervous leiii..
And I ended with the song... Nothing gonna change my love for you...
Finally done the singing! Felt so relieved...
I think I sang quite well la... Wahhahaaaa...

4th dish... Prawn in miso soup..

I find it quite nice... not bad

5th dish... Broccoli with mushroom

6th dish Teochew styled fish....
7th dish was the noodle... but no one took photo for me......
So, it's about time for table to table photography....

Let's start with the VIP tables

VIP no 2!

With my relatives~

My colleagues and ex colleagues... drinking gang

My sec school friends~

Sam's colleague~


My colleagues... People who I worked with.

My colleagues... people who I always have lotsa FUN with.. hahaaaa

My colleagues.... lame jokes and crappy peeps!

My poly year 1 gang...

Sam's ex colleagues~

My poly gang the 好朋友group.

I wonder if they actually planned to wear blue together!

Lovely moment~

My pri school classmates and teacher~
Thanks for coming man!

Last dish... which is my fave... Yam Paste... Orh Ni!!!
Helps to induce twins ya~

Ok la.. toast la toast la..


Lim la!
We ended on time.... around 10.30pm... perfect...
Since it's a Sunday... ppl still have to go to work the next day too.

the PAPAs n MAMAs

The BIG family~

谢谢大家的到来! 感谢您了

Thanks sis and bro!

the V.O.W! lol

Thanks cousin~

Thanks Mrs Tow for coming~!!

This lady ... dunno so tall liao still wear heels for what sia...

Jia xin & Yiwen

God sis~ Florence & Summer

Xinyi & Raymond

My great sis~!

Finally over!!! Hurray!!! Let's go count our Angbao~!
Everyone has left, so we head back to our room.... and...
here comes our food...
So nice of them...

The food was not bad...
The guests felt so too... :)
Finally done my renovation of house and my big wedding...
I can finally rest for a while now before school starts...
For that.... i shall eat more!! wahhaaa...
We have got 2 complementary main course.
So, we ordered sandwiches & fish and chips... waahhHHAhaaha

I peel the petals from the roses on the table that they gave us as complementary....
Like a shioks right.... :):):):):)

Ok, count angbao!!! Hubby was too tired... so..
I count myself lo!!! Hahaha
And the $$$$ we got break even to what we have spent... Nice :)
Thanks everyone...
I know what to do when its your turn... No worries...

Next day.... things to do....
EAT of cos.... then return gowns... return costumes....
Go home!

Their breakfast buffet was so so....
But again... I feel their service was not bad...
Other than the location... I feel Grand Copthorne Waterfront is not a bad choice actually.
That's all for my wedding post!
Finally manage to finished writing.
Next blog entry... on my Lil bro's 21st Bday.
What can you DIY for your own party??!
Warning: Be prepared to be bombarded with SUPER LOADS of PHOTOs!
After all the rush here rush there..... My elder bro drove us to Grand Copthorne Waterfront hotel around 3pm. So we had a short bath, then went to check out with the coordinator.
Was so worried, cos my CD couldn't be played!!!
But lucky I brought my laptop.
Childhood montage Cd was ok. Then after which, have to use my lappy for the grand march in.
Then 2nd march in, have to use my lappy for the morning highlights too!! Cos, the videographer CD cant work on their DVD player too. oh man... So I have to switch morning highlights video... then quickly click song on my lappy for 2nd march in.... And I'm definitely leaving all these to my little bro... to manage...
Of cos still feeling nervous, afraid that it might cock up....
But it went smoothly... so happy and relieved!!!
So, the time plan as follow....
Rehearsal / Briefing with Emcee and coordinator
Cocktail reception & Arrival of guests
Childhood Montage
Grand entrance
Cake Cutting
Bride to change outfit
Wedding Highlight video
Champagne pouring
Thank you speech
Table to table toasting and photography
The room which claim to be bridal suite... was pretty small...
Wonder could it be due to our number of tables lesser.... give us a smaller room...
Like studio apartment....
But its quite comfy la... toilet quite big...
There's washing machine and dryer.... mini living room....
Was too busy... didn't take much photo of the room... arghhh..
Cute bed sheet
With the wordings on it.
Complementary fruit cake, some fruits and chocolate...
We can also order 2 main courses before the dinner.... but we decided to do it after the wedding dinner...
After the whole thing ended.
We were able to choose either English fruit cake or chocolate cake...
I wanted chocolate cake.... but you know... someone........
Placed the stuffs on the shelves... Later then bring down to reception...
Time to start my makeup... around 6pm.
Wondering why no one design a gown whereby we can place our hp in it...
Here comes my family....
Meanwhile, my bros and sis were busying with their rehearsals, and arranging the props and decos.
If you still remember, i posted this on my previous entry...
These were the sort of MOVIE TICKETS for the SHOW.
A movie date with US!
So, after registration, you'll be given this one and only ticket.... to your Threatre Room (aka Table Number).
This was designed by Lijia... one of my Precious Sis... who couldnt make it for my wedding... happily working in Saudi Arabia....
Movie posters (designed by Leon) and wedding album...
A1 size poster... printed at Sunplaza... not as expensive as i thought so...
I think it was around $20-35... cant really recall....
I pretty like all the posters.... Thanks Leon.
This logo was designed by another great sis... Rayne...
This is meant for the packaging of the popcorn!
What is a movie date without popcorn right?!!
Thanks Xinyi... for helping me to pack 150packs of popcorn!
Not easy kkkkkkk......
This angbao box.... was also designed by Lijia with the movie theme!
The guest book also done by Lijia... with some pictures and filmrollll.....
Ok, this was done by myself... lol...
Nowadays... its kinda common... to INSTAGRAM it please! wahhaaaa
But the idea of the #sample1314 was by Rayne too.....haha
SAMuel + apPLE = SAMPLE!
Camera ACTION!
DIY Photo booth done by Rayne...
The movie entry ticket!
Bought this at Anchorpoint Typo outlet... for $2 each.
The fake wedding cake...
Table settings...
The ballroom
VIP table
The stage
Table no. poster also done by Leon.
Wedding favors... the couple keychain
Am pretty glad that most of the guest were quite punctual, could also be due to mostly were friends and colleagues and we did not have as many tables la.... Normally its the family members who dilly dally... :)
I have preempt all my friends.... that they better come early ya... so that we can end early... settle early..
count my angbao... and off to Slp!!! wahahaa
So, we were able to start on time around 8.10pm.
Yiwen & Wanpin... who helped me with the registration of guests.
Limin... the Chen Xiao jie!!! has also helped out too...
The guys dressed up... to prepare for their show! lol
Before the march in.... its the childhood montage... which was done by Rayne...
She's really talented... i have always been asking her to try the marketing line...
Abit long... but its really cute... haha... and a little short video of a marriage life.
Shanna (Cleopetra) & Zhao Hong (Pharaoh)
Wei qin (Superman) & Jeslyn (Wonderwoman)!
Limin (Chen xiao jie) & Calvin (Lao Fu zi)
Wendy (Tracy from hairspray) & Justin (Elvis)
Rayne (Snow white) & Steven (Aladdin)
With the poison Apple.
Bang Bang...
The movie characters! without us!!!
They are always having fun without me... yucks..
Wendy seems barefooted from this photo... haha.
Snowwhite with Laofuzi's specs.
Sam had to go down to entertain the guest first, as quite a number of them have reached.
Meanwhile, I'm still doing my makeups and hairdo.
So, he's having fun with the guests.
That's Hui yi & Hanni... from my poly gang.
Jeslyn (the next bride in our poly gang), Hui yi & Yiwen
My Papa Mama & Matthias!
My 25yrs of helper...
Who have helped me with the washing, ironing of clothes... cooking... etc!!!!
She's Amy!
My polygang!
The bro's and their partner.
busy busy busy...
My family~
Rayne... helping me with the polaroid taking~
Sam's ex colleagues...
Sam's colleague
Thanks u gals!
Sam with his 3 sis
Sam's family~
My colleagues.... Eeling and Wee wee
Sam's colleague
Girls power!
Okok.... here comes the BRIDE~
And seriously... i dont have to move.
Just stand there... and people started queuing up to take photo with me.
Desmond & Hanni from poly gang
Zheng Jie(the guy who brought me & sam together) & Sijun (Poly fren)
Huiyi & Hongchun (Poly gang)
My relatives.
Not sure why... but many of the guests were wearing BLUE?!
Bernard & Jeslyn (the couple who is going to get married next)!
My colleagues~
Close colleague~
Familyyy group photo... looks a bit weird though...
Wendy la.... at the side there... extra...
My poly year 1 group!
Been a while since we last meet up...
And they are still the SAME!!!
As childish as before.
My sec + poly friends!
Sam's sec sch frens~
My cousins.
Poly gang... almost all of them have gotten a BTO...
So its soon gonna be their wedding too...
Cant wait!
My primary school friends
My primary school friends and teacher!!! Amazing isnt it.
My colleagues
Sam's ex colleagues
Group shot please!
Ok, one last one before you guys go get ready!
The 2 of us...
Oh ya... red carpet... for movie walkway....
Hosei la!
Peeking at what's happening inside...
The grand entrance by Cleopatra & Pharaoh
To treat her like a queen always... (That's what Sam needs to do)
Wonderwoman and superman were too fast....
Only managed to get a shot of wonderwoman with my Mama
Hi Everybody, here comes Chen xiao jie and Lao fu zi!
Lao ti ko... slap you !
byeee... wahhhaaa...
Here comes Tracy and Elvis...
Surprisingly so steady bom pi pi
Blow bubbles~
Snow white & Aladdin~
Actually there's like a storyline by the Emcee...
But i have forgotten already... hahaaa
Last but not least....
The Best Movie Stars!
The wedding couple~
Gown to pong pong liao... need help
Oops.. a petal on Sam's head.. haha..
Let's cut the fake cake~
My fake hair pretty long yeahhh..
ok, let's sit... and EAT!
Father mother...
Papa Mama
The Emcee - Weiqin
Twist twist..
My Bros and Dasao
Hi Matt matt
First dish is finally out~
And oh ya... we have chose our first course song: Beauty and the beast - Be our Guest.
Something cute and fun... and link to our movie theme...
Oh ya, and our grand entrance for the couples were edited by us...
Each couple have their movie theme songs...
Lastly, our own march in song was - A love that will last by Renee Olstead
Food served for VIP tables.
2nd dish - Abalone soup.
Everyone gets to eat an abalone!
Shioks right.
Ducky ducky with fried bun
It's pretty yummy lei...
Ok.... time to go up and change for 2nd outfit and hairstyle.
My second march in song: Thousand years.
And lucky my lil bro really did a great job.... everything went well...
Thanks bro!
As usual... we peeked form the outside again~
Papa smiling... I think its the morning highlights video...
the chili part... where all the bros were crying... wahhaaa
His father mother were laughing away too.
That nervous look... cos I'm going to sing on stage later... a surprise for Samuel!!!
I have been singing almost everyday myself... recorded and sent to my sistersss till they siannn
Here we are...
Yeah man...
Wave like a pro pls.
And hokey pokey turn yourself around...
Pop the champagne....!
Lim ar!
Come on ppl... it's the traditional... YUM SENG time!!
Brothers and sisters... Family members... Up on stage please!
Yum Yum Yummmmmmm
YuuuMMM argghhhh
Matt matt so harpi!
Thank you speech time...
So I let hubby start first...
Once a lame guy... always a lame guy...
He's glad to have me.. I know...
My turn....arghhh... Nervous leiii..
And I ended with the song... Nothing gonna change my love for you...
Finally done the singing! Felt so relieved...
I think I sang quite well la... Wahhahaaaa...
4th dish... Prawn in miso soup..
I find it quite nice... not bad
5th dish... Broccoli with mushroom
6th dish Teochew styled fish....
7th dish was the noodle... but no one took photo for me......
So, it's about time for table to table photography....
Let's start with the VIP tables
VIP no 2!
With my relatives~
My colleagues and ex colleagues... drinking gang
My sec school friends~
Sam's colleague~
My colleagues... People who I worked with.
My colleagues... people who I always have lotsa FUN with.. hahaaaa
My colleagues.... lame jokes and crappy peeps!
My poly year 1 gang...
Sam's ex colleagues~
My poly gang the 好朋友group.
I wonder if they actually planned to wear blue together!
Lovely moment~
My pri school classmates and teacher~
Thanks for coming man!
Last dish... which is my fave... Yam Paste... Orh Ni!!!
Helps to induce twins ya~
Ok la.. toast la toast la..
Lim la!
We ended on time.... around 10.30pm... perfect...
Since it's a Sunday... ppl still have to go to work the next day too.
the PAPAs n MAMAs
The BIG family~
谢谢大家的到来! 感谢您了
Thanks sis and bro!
the V.O.W! lol
Thanks cousin~
Thanks Mrs Tow for coming~!!
This lady ... dunno so tall liao still wear heels for what sia...
Jia xin & Yiwen
God sis~ Florence & Summer
Xinyi & Raymond
My great sis~!
Finally over!!! Hurray!!! Let's go count our Angbao~!
Everyone has left, so we head back to our room.... and...
here comes our food...
So nice of them...
The food was not bad...
The guests felt so too... :)
Finally done my renovation of house and my big wedding...
I can finally rest for a while now before school starts...
For that.... i shall eat more!! wahhaaa...
We have got 2 complementary main course.
So, we ordered sandwiches & fish and chips... waahhHHAhaaha
I peel the petals from the roses on the table that they gave us as complementary....
Like a shioks right.... :):):):):)
Ok, count angbao!!! Hubby was too tired... so..
I count myself lo!!! Hahaha
And the $$$$ we got break even to what we have spent... Nice :)
Thanks everyone...
I know what to do when its your turn... No worries...
Next day.... things to do....
EAT of cos.... then return gowns... return costumes....
Go home!
Their breakfast buffet was so so....
But again... I feel their service was not bad...
Other than the location... I feel Grand Copthorne Waterfront is not a bad choice actually.
That's all for my wedding post!
Finally manage to finished writing.
Next blog entry... on my Lil bro's 21st Bday.
What can you DIY for your own party??!
sorry that I have missed this comment. if you still need my reply do let me know or drop me an email. thanks.
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