An impromptu day trip to JB just because we all need that short break from WORK~
As usual, I like to plan my trip in advance, even though it is just going JB and we have been there multiple times, we still ought to have some Must-do tasks and To-go places.
I realized I really like to plan itineraries, organizing gatherings.
Maybe I should help lazy people to plan itineraries and charge them with some added fees of course... Wahahahaah~ Say only!
So, here we go! Mission for the Day: Massage, Café Hop, Mani-Pedi, Shopping~
Let's go!
Casual and comfy outfit for walking, Cap for the hot weather while café hopping!
Slippers for Pedi~ though we are going to do Gel ones.
Sling bags so that you can shift it in front of you in JB. Take care of your belongings people!
Reached Kranji at 9.30am. Take the CW yellow bus for just $1.
Just wondering if many people doesn't know that this yellow bus can bring you to City Square too?
Cos I saw long queue for bus 170/160.
Another tip: You might wanna consider changing the Ringgits at JB instead. We checked at Kranji MRT, the rates was 3.13. But at City Square, it was 3.143.
Once you reached City Square, you will see this prominent Old Town Café.
Hungry us but at the same time cannot be too full as we are going for our Massage in 15mins time.
So, 2 half boiled eggs for each of us!
Protein in the MORNING!!!!
Thai Odyssey @ City Square
Address: Innercity, Level 3, JB City Square, Jalan Wong Ah Fook, 80000, Johor Bahru
607-222 8266![Call: 607-222 8266]()
Opening hours: 10am to 10pm (Sun to Thurs), 10am to 10.30pm (Fri, Sat, PH)
Please make appointments in advance.
The pricings are in the link above.
I would recommend the Foot + Half Body Massage
So we each did an hour massage.
After the massage, we all felt refreshed but also feeling SUPER HUNGRY!!!
Kam Long Curry Fish Head
Address: 4, Jalan Wong Ah Fook, Bandar Johor Bahru, 80000 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
Opening hours: 8am to 4pm
This place wasn't in our initial plan though. But we were thinking since the queue isn't that long, why not we give it a try before all the café hopping.
Although there was a queue, it was cleared quite fast. Phew.
According to my friends, the price has increased.
Prolly due to the overwhelming crowds from SG then.
Total damage only about SGD 8!
Where to find such good deal in SG right?
Anyway we only ordered the small portion, but look at that size!
It's so big lah. Three of us shared this!
The spiciness was mild, hence it was perfect for me. The fish tasted fresh and was tender.
There's also bean curd skin, Lady's fingers and some other veggies. They are generous with the ingredients.
Of course, it's not like Wah... Damn nice damn shiok or what la. Do not come with too high expectation. But with the price you pay here and the standard you get, I think it's good enoough.
I also like the back-to-the-80s layout of the restaurant.
Would rate it a 7.5/10.
Next up, en route to look for the Famous Banana Cake!
Along the way, we saw many cafes!
Hiap Joo Bakery
Address: 13, Jalan Tan Hiok Nee, Bandar Johor Bahru, 80000 Johor Bahru, Johor
Opening hours: Mon to Say 7.30am to 5.30pm, Sun 8.30am to 12pm
For more info:
Actually, if you want to buy their cakes, you need to come earlier. Sometimes they are sold out even before their closing time. Cakes that are fresh out-of-the-oven are always a crowd pleaser.
We reached there around 1pm and most breads were sold out already.
Only left with Kaya buns, Red bean buns and Peanut Buns.
I want my Coconut Buns and Otah Buns!!! Boo!
The oldest and most traditional way of baking the buns~ They use wood to make fire to bake the buns. Thus, all the wood you see at the front of the shop.
This lady bought 10 big boxes of the Banana cake.
Eh, don't so selfish eh~ leave some for the rest of us leh.
The rest have to wait for the next batch to be out again~
Look at that Kaya oozing out~~
So goooooddddd!
Here comes our Banana cake.
SGD 1.60 for box of Banana cake is rather cheap.
Freshly baked Banana cake was fluffy and moist at the same time.
Smells good too.
Would rate it a 8/10.
Continue on for our Cafe Hops~
The Replacement - Lodge & Kitchen
Address: 33, Jalan Dhoby, Bandar Johor Bahru, 80000, Johor Bahru
Opening hours: 9am to 7pm daily
This place was very spacious. Interior design was very minimalistic.
Feels very comfortable and calm just to have tea here with a group of friends~
I always have a thing when comes to this kinda bottles.
Reminds me of the times working in the lab~
Ordered the famous Churros here with Salted Egg and Dark Chocolate dip.
The Churros were good. Not too oily or doughy.
Goes well with the dips too!
Soft Shell Crab Bao
The soft Shell Crab was big. The side of the Bao that was being seared was crispy. We liked the chilli aioli sauce in the Bao. Good combination!
I like the wasabi mayo too~
Total damage was about SGD 30~
Affordable for us but not for the locals I feel.
But I like the overall atmosphere and food here.
Would recommend all of you to give this place a try.
Would rate it a 8.5/10.
Next up for dessert~
Address: 30, Jalan Dhoby, Bandar Johor Bahru, 80000 Johor Bahru, Johor.
Opening hours: Mon to Thurs 1pm to 10pm, Fri & Sat 12pm to 11pm, Closed on Sundays.
Only RM 6 ~ about SGD 2 for these mini sized but not really mini Ice cream~
But oh well, looks good doesn't really taste good though.
Ordered the Double Chocolate and the Matcha icecream.
I like Matcha ice creams, but not this one tho. Strong jasmine flavor.
Rate it a 5/10.
Next, we took a cab to Holiday Plaza.
Normally it cost around RM 8 but the taxi we stopped quoted us RM 10 and because we were in the middle of the road, we succumbed and boarded the cab. What to do?
Nails Deco
Address: Level 2, Holiday Plaza, Jalan Dato Sulaiman, Century Garden, 80250, Johor Bahru
Opening hours: 11am to 9pm
607-331 5457![Call: 607-331 5457]()
To make your appointment, kindly just drop them a message through their Facebook!
For nail art, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE look for the YOUNG(ER) LADIES to do.
Don't go for the Aunty! No Joke~ You will know what I meant later~ Speaking for personal experiences.
Shin ying's
Mani and Pedi Gel at only RM145, SGD 46!
My Tsum Tsum nails~
Look for Hui Hui! She did these gorgeous babies for me!
Donald and Daisy ducks~
Valerie loves them!
I think altogether, Mani and Pedi Gel~ Nail art for the Tsum Tsum, Foot Spa treatment, and Shaping of Eye brow at only RM 310, which is about SG98! In Sg, all these would easily cost around $400.
Pei yi's.
Done by one of the Auntie. Not professional at all and also not listening to customer's request properly.
But the Auntie was not bad at doing the brows though. Wahahah
Our Happy Feets!
Altogether, it took us about 3 hours to finish our medi pedi session... Phewwww...
Val loves the Eeyore too~
Similar outfit!
Then, we took a cab back to City Square which cost around RM 8!
You can get cheaper products at the Watsons in JB as compared to SG!
Donald and Daisy earrings for only RM 5, SGD 1.60!
I love Lavender bread and their products were always sold out fast.
I highly recommend you guys to try their charcoal bread.
Love their crepe bread with Tuna too~
Just dine at any restaurants in City Square. They are definitely gonna be so much cheaper than SG.
Many said to try their Ding Tai Feng, it is 30 percent cheaper than SG.
In the end, we decided to go for Dragon-I.
After all the café food, we want some proper Chinese Food!
Dragon-I Restaurant
Address: Johor Bahru Town J3-36, L3, Johor Bahru City Square Shopping Mall, 106-108, Jalan Wong Ah Fook, Johor, Malaysia
Contact: 607-222 1288
With all the Food you saw up there, they only cost about SG 48 in total!
Can you believe it?!?!
Of course, they don't taste very fantastic, but still not too shabby~
We liked the Hot and Spicy soup and their carrot cake.
The beef noodle portion was rather big too~
Rate it a 7/10.
Next, we walked to Komtar JBCC Shopping Mall, just next to City Square for their PADINI Concept Store.
So cool right. Kids' Specs at only RM 13, ~ SGD 4!
But Val still don't really fancy wearing such things though.
And so, we have met all of our goals in our itineraries!
Massage CHECK! Mani Pedi CHECK! Café hopping CHECK! Shopping CHECK!
We ought to have more of such activities in the future.
Although we walked a lot and ate alot today, we still managed to feel relax and charged for more days to come! YAY!
That's all!
Go and have your break now!
Thanks for reading.
Feel free to drop me a message, and follow me on the social platforms below!
*credits: Wendy (Editor)
on Facebook (Apple pupu Lim)
on Snapchat (doris_candy / Freshapple)
on Twitter (apple_nfl)
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