Preparations for our Wedding
Finally find some time to blog on the preparations of my wedding....
It will be a pretty long entry... Bear with it! Well, you know its not easy to plan a wedding...
I planned them in about half a year time? And most of the time, its we WOMAN who's doing the job.
But, I'm glad that my hubby DO help out a little in the planning too.... yupp... a little...
Quite some time ago, I have already been looking out for ideas and themes for the wedding.
And I came across someone's blog of having movie theme. And i find it quite cool. Cos, I really don't like boring and expected weddings... The expected march in, standard procedures, yum seng, shake hand and gdbye.... lol... If I'm gonna have it that way, I rather save the money and go for a long honeymoon instead...
Below are the stuffs that are needed to plan, where can you find them and the cost of it.
So you guys would roughly know how much to prepare beforehand of your wedding!
Things to be done:
- Set the wedding date
- Find a hotel for the wedding dinner
- Look for bridal shop
- Getting your theme stuffs
- Finalize your Brothers & Sisters (兄弟姐妹)
- Jie mei's dress
- Photographer & videographer of the day
- Guo da Li 过大礼 preparations
- An chuang 安床 preparations
- Wedding invitation card
- Guest lists
- Rough plan of the morning 接新娘, Gate crashing
- Hens Night~
Setting the wedding date
We have set it on the 15 Sep 2013, Sunday.
Anyway my wedding was a little rush, well partly becos since i have a half year break from school, and also getting my house in a few months time. So, might as well just plan the wedding before my school starts then.
My hubby thought I was crazy, but i was serious la.... Since I have the time to plan ma...
We actually planned to have our wedding in 2015 after my graduation. But after thinking and thinking, after staying together at our new place for 2 years, still got feel to plan wedding dinner meh? Like a lame leh...
So yup, settle it this year then. In case you guys didn't read my previous blog, we have already done our ROM. So, this save a little hassle for our wedding.
Many couples would look for some fortune tellers to choose their dates. But well, I have chosen to look at some app for a good date, I think that's good enough already. Because I only have limited time frame to look at. And my parents only wants it to be on a Sunday, cos they are not working at Sunday night. So, yup we choose our dates then. And also, I was just afraid after checking out with the fortune tellers, the dates given to me, I might not be able to make it. People were saying that, once you asked, u better follow them. So, 不知者无罪.

In case you wanna know what app I was using, check this out.
This was the app that I was using. But I guessed it have updated, and it's called Chinese Almanac.
Below, I have circled the important ones to take note.

So, example for the date of my 安床, I have chosen 1st of September.
宜 means suitable, appropriate, good.
忌 means avoid, shun, abstain from
Therefore, check what you plan to do and check if its suitable on that day.
一个时辰means 2hours.
吉means auspicious.
凶means inauspicious
Hence, plan your stuffs at the right time.
Lastly, i look at 正冲. I'll just try to avoid any 冲 to the zodiac of my hubby and I and both our parents.
Find a hotel for the wedding dinner
Because Samuel's parents also wanna have a wedding dinner at Malaysia, so we will not be inviting all his relatives and his father's friends from Malaysia. Hence, this wedding dinner will be more of my guests. And becos my family side is pretty complicated, I wont be inviting too many relatives too. So, the number of tables we are looking would be much lesser too. That made the choices of hotels fewer too. We are looking for about 15 tables.
Was thinking of having at a good restaurant or having it at a hotel. In the end, we decided to have it at a hotel, so that we can rest a night there after the dinner.
We have checked out online for a few places for their quotations.
My ideal place was actually (Carlton, Fairmont, MBS or Grand city park hotel), but well their minimum table was 20. I couldn't meet the requirements and so I have to look for alternatives.
There's this cheat sheet online for you to gauge roughly how much per table cost.
We have then shortlisted a few hotels - Hilton, Traders Hotel, Holiday Inn (Atrium), Mandarin Orchard & Grand Copthorne Waterfront.
- Hilton
After much thinking, although the pricing was pretty reasonable, location wise also accessible. But cos there seems to have a few unfortunate cases happened over there, so we have decided to drop the idea of having the dinner there.
Per table: $1100-1200
- Traders Hotel
Not exactly very accessible, would still need a bus to reach the hotel.
Don't really like the ballroom for 18tables max. It was a long rectangular stretch with 2 tables aligned beside the walkway. Guests at the back probably wont be able to see the stage clearly then.
The reception area was big and grand though.
But, we did not choose this either.
Per table: ~$1100

- Holiday Inn (Atrium)
Holiday inn orchard is fully booked already. So, only left with Holiday Inn (Atrium)
Not very accessible too. Have to take a bus from either orchard or Outram park MRT.
Overall, it looked kinda old. However, the ballroom was kinda big. The freebies they gave were good.
Free flow of soft drinks & beer, free a bottle of wine per table, free corkage fee, free night stay for the sisters, free tasting.
But I recalled the food i tasted in the past wasn't that good, although per table price was pretty reasonable too. And the feel of the hotel wasn't quite there,
So, we did not choose holiday inn tooooo....
Per table: ~$900+

- Mandarin Orchard
I pretty like the ballroom actually. Got feel for a movie theme. Just don't really like the carpet.
Pretty accessible place, near Orchard/Somerset MRT. But the reason we didn't choose, its simply too expensive. And not much freebies. Have to pay for the wines and beers.
Per table: ~$1300+

- Grand Copthorne Waterfront
Although not so accessible. But it look quite grand from the outside and also the inside, which is why its called the GRAND Copthorne ya? Haha...
The price was slightly higher than Holiday inn but I feel, its seems much better too.
Their Freebies were: free flow of soft drinks & beer, free a bottle of red/white wine per table, 50% off for food tasting ($587.50), 70% invitation card printing, 1 night stay at bridal suite, Fresh fruit basket and dinner for couple in bridal suite before reception and set breakfast-in-bed or buffet breakfast at Café Brio the next morning, Guest book and Red packet gift box, 20% parking coupon, VIP parking lot.
Slightly more details on the freebies, cos we have chosen this for our wedding dinner.
The wedding planner lady was pretty nice too, her name is Neillie.
The ballroom was quite spacious, having the stage in the center There's no pillars. The reception area was big too. The only not so good thing was the walkway was rather short. But nevertheless we were given red carpet for our movie walkway! And its from the reception area all the way to the stage,
Per table: $1175

Always remember to ask for more freebies before signing the contract.
- extension of night?
- free corkage?
- if table is not used, can we used in future for dinner?
- waive the food tasting?
Look for bridal shops
Went online to search around. Some of the more popular ones are "Z wedding", "Le Grand wedding", "My Dream wedding"...
I was looking at their photo galleries, and i quite like the style of "My Dream Wedding". And i saw some friends also feedback on them. So i dropped them email and went down to their road show.
And have decided on "My Dream Wedding" bridal shop. Below are the items which are included in the package.
$3788++ = $4053.16nett
Photo-shoot Day
- 3 gowns for bride
-2 tuxedo for groom
- Mini van (Free transportation)
- 25 photos
- Perfect moment Montage photo magnet frame
- 2 small photo frame
Wedding day
- 2 gowns (different from photo shoot), 1 tea dress for bride
- 1 jacket, 1 tuxedo for groom
- 2 jackets for the Father in laws
- Makeups and hairdo for bride
- Bridal flower arrangement of cars, car ribbons for other cars
- 1 hand bouquet, 6 corsage (for the brothers, groom, father & mother in laws)
The add-ons and extra photos etc., I'll update on my next blog entry on my wedding photo shoot.
Some points to take note, which I really regretted now. Before signing the package, ask for as many freebies as you can. Example like,
- more photos!! because you will definitely purchase photos during photo choosing
- is brides maid dress available? in the package? because some bridal shop do include bridesmaid dress
- mother in law gowns?
- car rental available?
- jackets for the brothers?
- transportation included? because for some bridal shops, you will have to drive....
- are the props free of charge? balloons? swing? etc...
- what if it rains? will there be a reschedule?
- accessories for wedding day, like necklace, earrings etc.
Check out my pre-wedding photo shoot
Pre wedding photo shoot
Getting your theme stuffs
Since it's movie theme for our dinner.
Of cos we would need some Movie Characters then!
I have been sourcing for rental of costumes, and finally found a pretty cheap one.
JCM costumes
Only $30 per outfit. However, it had increased its price to $40 per outfit now. Lucky me.
So I have rent 7 outfits (Wonder woman, Snow white, Aladdin, Cleopatra, Pharaoh, Lao Fu Zi & Elvis.
So, in all its $210.

Cleopatra & Pharaoh

Aladdin & Snow white

Lao Fu zi


Red riding hood & Wonder woman


Peter pan which looks more like some elf to me... wahahha

The different WONDERWOMAN~!

I was looking around for the movie clipboard too. Saw some at ebay. In e end, I found it through a blogger that its selling at Cityhall area. You may also check out at Carousell.
Gotten it for only $20!

The top was actually having the word "Universal Studios", but i have covered it with a black pcs of paper.

I've also gotten a long filmphoto frame from IKEA. $11.90?

I have bought this at Anchor point Typo outlet...
Very cheap cheap only... $2 each?
Everything there is so cheap... u guys should go check it out.

My younger bro, Raymond, well.... he wanted to help a lot for me on the photo frames with popcorns and film board design... however I know he's really busy and tired after every book out.
So, I'm pretty appreciated his help too... especially the whole wedding day... will blog about it in the following blog entries.
The black frames were from IKEA, couldn't really remember how much was it... but wasn't really ex...
A set of 3 for probably $5plus?

It's getting quite HOT with this instagram thingy, so just prepare this... ppl will hashtag hastag ###### YOU!
One of my great buddies, Lijia have helped me to do up my angbao box, guestbook and movie coupon to cater my movie theme!
Cos she couldn't attend my wedding, as she's going to Saudi Arabia to work, so I think she felt a little guilty...
haha.... Really appreciated... a little sad that you couldn't attend though!

This angbao box was given by the hotel...



Guestbook from the hotel

Tada~ With filmstrips and some cute clipart.

This is the movie ticket whereby when the guest signed in... they will be given this to their allocated THEATRE no which is actually their Table number!

So cute right!

This is also drawn and colored by Lijia....

A movie teaser by Jiajia too!
Another talented buddy of mine, the Miss DIY, Rayne!
She has helped me on my childhood montage & DIY photo booth.
Because its too expensive to hire a real photo booth? haha which cost about $650 at least.
Visit her blog at

The props...

The Film board!

The childhood montage she did was real cool k.... Will elaborate more on following entry.
She's really a creative one!

I have thought of having some popcorns for the night too. So, Rayne suggested to have some logo on the cups... pretty right?!!

Mini popcorns for the guests!
Have been pasting, filling and tying them for 3 days. Lucky with the help of Xindy....
Oh ya, the cups are sponsored by Wendy.... :) wahahhhaaaa
So happy that I have so many talented friends around. Another buddy of mine, Wendy! who have helped me on the tying of big cute bow ties for the brothers and also a super cool blink blink microphones for Elvis & tracy!

Big cute BOWs!

Tied with blink blink strings

She's Wendy!!!!

Ok, this is the cool bubble bubble microphone!

Tadaaaaa~!!!! Amazing right?!!!!
Have asked help from a good friend of mine, Leon Wee to do up some movie posters for me, and table number and the invitation tickets. It's real cool... He's doing it as a wedding gift for me. Highly appreciated. He told me that all this hard work of his could easily cost $700-900. woah... Thanks once again.

The Invitation ticket to go along with my Invitation card.
He had designed a few posters for me. And I have chosen 4 finalized pcs. 2 English version and 2 Chinese version.
He's really pretty good.

The Big Wedding (chosen #1)

Some Taiwan show feel? (chosen #2)

I like this... I have personally asked for this back to school feel...
(chosen #3)

This was done last min because just got the know the storyline of "The VOWs" wasn't really good...
wahahhaa... He said next time he needs to treat me like his client.... signed the contract before any more changes.... lol!
(chosen #4)


I find this a little ghostly.... so yup... never choose

Same gown... so didn't choose this either.

Went to print a A1 size... pretty cool... I love it a lot...

Both of these were A2 size!
Below were designs for my table number....

Concept #1

Concept #2

Concept #3


Check out my Morning Highlights
Morning Highlights of my wedding
Wedding dinner
Wedding Dinner 15 Sep 2013
Finalize your Brothers & Sisters (兄弟姐妹)
We were having some hiccups on these initially. However, we have finally decided on having 5 couples.
5 brother & 5 sisters.
Some couples doesn't mind to have different number of bros and sis.
Some need it to be in even number... Its all up to individual.
But the more you have, the more stuffs you have to think too.
Number of cars... Amount of food... time consuming.... and angbao..$$$ lol...

The 5 bros... having their matching bow colour as the sisters!

The 5 pretty sis!
5 couples for my movie walkway
- Cleopatra & Pharaoh
- Superman & Wonder woman
- Lao Fu zi & Chen Xiao Jie
- Elvis & Tracy(from hairspray)
- Snow white & Aladdin

Cleopatra & Pharaoh

Superman & Wonder woman

Lao Fu zi & Chen Xiao Jie

Elvis & Tracy(from hairspray)

Snow white & Aladdin
Jie mei's dress
Instead of the usual all the same colour dress for the bride's maid.
I tot of having a colourful one. So all of them will have the same dress but different colour.
My friend recommended me the below site which is pretty reasonable price of $30.
Bride's maid dress
However, they doesn't have the bright yellow that I wanted, so I went to far east level 3 to check out.
Have gotten them at $39.90 each. It took about 2mths I think for the dress to arrive.

Trying out at the shop...

The colourful sisters!
Nice right? than the boring all same colour? :):):)

I bought the flowery bands from bkk... cheap cheap only... some of them put around their waist, some of their head! Pretty!

I have also gotten the wrist corsage for my sisters.
Bought them online at Qoo10 for around $3plus each.

Photographer & videographer of the day
Got recommended by one of my colleagues.
Frankly you wont be able to find this kinda price for an experienced photographer and videography...
Normal ones range about $1800+ ya...
The photographer was pretty experienced.... He will say some Chinese 吉利 stuffs when entering the house, during the tea ceremony. Our family and friends find him rather humorous and lively too.
He actually quoted as $1680. However, upon meet up.... probably got to know that Sam was a Malaysian... and they chatted along well, so he gave us a final price of $1600... wahhahaha
Below is what it consists in the package
Wedding day photography +Videography = $1600
- Alan Photographer (+65 97591469)
+ 400 pcs of 4R sized photo with artwork in photo album
+ 1 album soft copy DVD
- Johnny Videography (+65 90090312)
+ Morning Highlights + 2 DVD
I'll post more photos and probably some videos? in my next following blog entry.
Stay tuned k.
Guo da Li 过大礼 preparations
Below is the link of places which sell the Guo da li stuffs.
I found this shop through forums and colleagues.
The lady was quite nice. You can ask her all ur doubts, what is needed? what to do?
Cheok Keuw Bridal Co
Blk 506 Jurong West St 52
Singapore 640506
Tel: +65 6566 0311

I spent quite a bit in this shop. Bed sheet, tea set, slippers, lamps, basin, towels, sewing kits... etc...
The price list is in the picture. Checked it out.

I have found a few cake store online too. But finalized on this, although there's a lot of fanciful ones out there, I still prefer the traditional ones...
Kyo Cake Online Store
An chuang 安床 preparations
Ought to find a good day for An chuang too. Will need your parents to make the beds for you guys.
Will elaborate more on this at my next entry.
Check out the Guo da Li 过大礼 & An chuang 安床 blog post
Guo da Li 过大礼 & An chuang 安床
Wedding invitation card
The hotel has directed us to this shop called the Lil-art Cards & Bridal Favors
Below are the designs that were given.

And we have chosen Card 5.
Kinda regretted.... Cos I ought to paste them and tie them all!

Guest list
Guest list is a pretty troublesome thing. And i regretted of not listening to a senior.
Please place 11 ppl per table for a start, because nearing the corner there ought to be ppl dropping out.
And worse still... some did not even inform you that they are not coming.
However, cos my number of tables was only 15, so it was still manageable.
Thanks to my sisters and friends helping out too.
Rough plan of the morning 接新娘, Gate crashing
You need to do up a time plan for the whole wedding from the morning.
What time is your photographer, videographer & makeup artist coming?
What time do you need your sisters to be there or overnight?
What time are the grooms and brothers reaching your place?
How long do you expect for the gate crashing games
Where and how long for the outdoor photo shoot?
What time to reach groom's place?
What time is the tea ceremony for both sides?
What time for your buffet lunch?
What time to head to the hotel?
Time of rehearsal and briefing?
Time of Cocktail reception?
Time to play the childhood montage and first march in & cake cutting?
Time for bride to change outfit?
Time for wedding highlights
Time for second march in , champagne pouring and thank you speech.
Lastly the table toasting and photography
You will also need to let the ppl involved to do their roles and what are required by them.
Things that you will need to bring, etc.
E.g. who to take care of the collected ang baos,
who will be at the reception to do the guest list? who to check the table number and favors.
Who to guide the guests to their tables? Time keeper. Coordinator?
I have the template file. If you need, do drop me an email.
Hen's Night
Hen's night should be organized by your sisters and friends i supposed... haha...
However, you'll have to play a part in having free dates and be sporting!
I'll blog about this too in next few blog entry.
Check out my simple Hens Night party
Hens Night
That's almost about it for wedding preparation.
I'll blog on my pre wedding photo shoots for my next blog entry.
How much did I spend on the whole photo album.
So, stay tuned!
Finally find some time to blog on the preparations of my wedding....
It will be a pretty long entry... Bear with it! Well, you know its not easy to plan a wedding...
I planned them in about half a year time? And most of the time, its we WOMAN who's doing the job.
But, I'm glad that my hubby DO help out a little in the planning too.... yupp... a little...
Quite some time ago, I have already been looking out for ideas and themes for the wedding.
And I came across someone's blog of having movie theme. And i find it quite cool. Cos, I really don't like boring and expected weddings... The expected march in, standard procedures, yum seng, shake hand and gdbye.... lol... If I'm gonna have it that way, I rather save the money and go for a long honeymoon instead...
Below are the stuffs that are needed to plan, where can you find them and the cost of it.
So you guys would roughly know how much to prepare beforehand of your wedding!
Things to be done:
- Set the wedding date
- Find a hotel for the wedding dinner
- Look for bridal shop
- Getting your theme stuffs
- Finalize your Brothers & Sisters (兄弟姐妹)
- Jie mei's dress
- Photographer & videographer of the day
- Guo da Li 过大礼 preparations
- An chuang 安床 preparations
- Wedding invitation card
- Guest lists
- Rough plan of the morning 接新娘, Gate crashing
- Hens Night~
Setting the wedding date
We have set it on the 15 Sep 2013, Sunday.
Anyway my wedding was a little rush, well partly becos since i have a half year break from school, and also getting my house in a few months time. So, might as well just plan the wedding before my school starts then.
My hubby thought I was crazy, but i was serious la.... Since I have the time to plan ma...
We actually planned to have our wedding in 2015 after my graduation. But after thinking and thinking, after staying together at our new place for 2 years, still got feel to plan wedding dinner meh? Like a lame leh...
So yup, settle it this year then. In case you guys didn't read my previous blog, we have already done our ROM. So, this save a little hassle for our wedding.
Many couples would look for some fortune tellers to choose their dates. But well, I have chosen to look at some app for a good date, I think that's good enough already. Because I only have limited time frame to look at. And my parents only wants it to be on a Sunday, cos they are not working at Sunday night. So, yup we choose our dates then. And also, I was just afraid after checking out with the fortune tellers, the dates given to me, I might not be able to make it. People were saying that, once you asked, u better follow them. So, 不知者无罪.
In case you wanna know what app I was using, check this out.
This was the app that I was using. But I guessed it have updated, and it's called Chinese Almanac.
Below, I have circled the important ones to take note.
So, example for the date of my 安床, I have chosen 1st of September.
宜 means suitable, appropriate, good.
忌 means avoid, shun, abstain from
Therefore, check what you plan to do and check if its suitable on that day.
一个时辰means 2hours.
丑时(1-3点);寅时(3-5点);卯时(5-7点);辰时(7-9点); 已时(9-11点);午时(11-13点);未时(13-15点);申时(15-17点); 酉时(17-19点);戌时(19-21点);亥时(21-23点)。
吉means auspicious.
凶means inauspicious
Hence, plan your stuffs at the right time.
Lastly, i look at 正冲. I'll just try to avoid any 冲 to the zodiac of my hubby and I and both our parents.
Find a hotel for the wedding dinner
Because Samuel's parents also wanna have a wedding dinner at Malaysia, so we will not be inviting all his relatives and his father's friends from Malaysia. Hence, this wedding dinner will be more of my guests. And becos my family side is pretty complicated, I wont be inviting too many relatives too. So, the number of tables we are looking would be much lesser too. That made the choices of hotels fewer too. We are looking for about 15 tables.
Was thinking of having at a good restaurant or having it at a hotel. In the end, we decided to have it at a hotel, so that we can rest a night there after the dinner.
We have checked out online for a few places for their quotations.
My ideal place was actually (Carlton, Fairmont, MBS or Grand city park hotel), but well their minimum table was 20. I couldn't meet the requirements and so I have to look for alternatives.
There's this cheat sheet online for you to gauge roughly how much per table cost.
We have then shortlisted a few hotels - Hilton, Traders Hotel, Holiday Inn (Atrium), Mandarin Orchard & Grand Copthorne Waterfront.
- Hilton
After much thinking, although the pricing was pretty reasonable, location wise also accessible. But cos there seems to have a few unfortunate cases happened over there, so we have decided to drop the idea of having the dinner there.
Per table: $1100-1200
- Traders Hotel
Not exactly very accessible, would still need a bus to reach the hotel.
Don't really like the ballroom for 18tables max. It was a long rectangular stretch with 2 tables aligned beside the walkway. Guests at the back probably wont be able to see the stage clearly then.
The reception area was big and grand though.
But, we did not choose this either.
Per table: ~$1100
- Holiday Inn (Atrium)
Holiday inn orchard is fully booked already. So, only left with Holiday Inn (Atrium)
Not very accessible too. Have to take a bus from either orchard or Outram park MRT.
Overall, it looked kinda old. However, the ballroom was kinda big. The freebies they gave were good.
Free flow of soft drinks & beer, free a bottle of wine per table, free corkage fee, free night stay for the sisters, free tasting.
But I recalled the food i tasted in the past wasn't that good, although per table price was pretty reasonable too. And the feel of the hotel wasn't quite there,
So, we did not choose holiday inn tooooo....
Per table: ~$900+
- Mandarin Orchard
I pretty like the ballroom actually. Got feel for a movie theme. Just don't really like the carpet.
Pretty accessible place, near Orchard/Somerset MRT. But the reason we didn't choose, its simply too expensive. And not much freebies. Have to pay for the wines and beers.
Per table: ~$1300+
- Grand Copthorne Waterfront
Although not so accessible. But it look quite grand from the outside and also the inside, which is why its called the GRAND Copthorne ya? Haha...
The price was slightly higher than Holiday inn but I feel, its seems much better too.
Their Freebies were: free flow of soft drinks & beer, free a bottle of red/white wine per table, 50% off for food tasting ($587.50), 70% invitation card printing, 1 night stay at bridal suite, Fresh fruit basket and dinner for couple in bridal suite before reception and set breakfast-in-bed or buffet breakfast at Café Brio the next morning, Guest book and Red packet gift box, 20% parking coupon, VIP parking lot.
Slightly more details on the freebies, cos we have chosen this for our wedding dinner.
The wedding planner lady was pretty nice too, her name is Neillie.
The ballroom was quite spacious, having the stage in the center There's no pillars. The reception area was big too. The only not so good thing was the walkway was rather short. But nevertheless we were given red carpet for our movie walkway! And its from the reception area all the way to the stage,
Per table: $1175
Always remember to ask for more freebies before signing the contract.
- extension of night?
- free corkage?
- if table is not used, can we used in future for dinner?
- waive the food tasting?
Look for bridal shops
Went online to search around. Some of the more popular ones are "Z wedding", "Le Grand wedding", "My Dream wedding"...
I was looking at their photo galleries, and i quite like the style of "My Dream Wedding". And i saw some friends also feedback on them. So i dropped them email and went down to their road show.
And have decided on "My Dream Wedding" bridal shop. Below are the items which are included in the package.
$3788++ = $4053.16nett
Photo-shoot Day
- 3 gowns for bride
-2 tuxedo for groom
- Mini van (Free transportation)
- 25 photos
- Perfect moment Montage photo magnet frame
- 2 small photo frame
Wedding day
- 2 gowns (different from photo shoot), 1 tea dress for bride
- 1 jacket, 1 tuxedo for groom
- 2 jackets for the Father in laws
- Makeups and hairdo for bride
- Bridal flower arrangement of cars, car ribbons for other cars
- 1 hand bouquet, 6 corsage (for the brothers, groom, father & mother in laws)
The add-ons and extra photos etc., I'll update on my next blog entry on my wedding photo shoot.
Some points to take note, which I really regretted now. Before signing the package, ask for as many freebies as you can. Example like,
- more photos!! because you will definitely purchase photos during photo choosing
- is brides maid dress available? in the package? because some bridal shop do include bridesmaid dress
- mother in law gowns?
- car rental available?
- jackets for the brothers?
- transportation included? because for some bridal shops, you will have to drive....
- are the props free of charge? balloons? swing? etc...
- what if it rains? will there be a reschedule?
- accessories for wedding day, like necklace, earrings etc.
Check out my pre-wedding photo shoot
Pre wedding photo shoot
Getting your theme stuffs
Since it's movie theme for our dinner.
Of cos we would need some Movie Characters then!
I have been sourcing for rental of costumes, and finally found a pretty cheap one.
JCM costumes
Only $30 per outfit. However, it had increased its price to $40 per outfit now. Lucky me.
So I have rent 7 outfits (Wonder woman, Snow white, Aladdin, Cleopatra, Pharaoh, Lao Fu Zi & Elvis.
So, in all its $210.
Cleopatra & Pharaoh
Aladdin & Snow white
Lao Fu zi
Red riding hood & Wonder woman
Peter pan which looks more like some elf to me... wahahha
The different WONDERWOMAN~!
I was looking around for the movie clipboard too. Saw some at ebay. In e end, I found it through a blogger that its selling at Cityhall area. You may also check out at Carousell.
Gotten it for only $20!
The top was actually having the word "Universal Studios", but i have covered it with a black pcs of paper.
I've also gotten a long filmphoto frame from IKEA. $11.90?
I have bought this at Anchor point Typo outlet...
Very cheap cheap only... $2 each?
Everything there is so cheap... u guys should go check it out.
My younger bro, Raymond, well.... he wanted to help a lot for me on the photo frames with popcorns and film board design... however I know he's really busy and tired after every book out.
So, I'm pretty appreciated his help too... especially the whole wedding day... will blog about it in the following blog entries.
The black frames were from IKEA, couldn't really remember how much was it... but wasn't really ex...
A set of 3 for probably $5plus?
It's getting quite HOT with this instagram thingy, so just prepare this... ppl will hashtag hastag ###### YOU!
One of my great buddies, Lijia have helped me to do up my angbao box, guestbook and movie coupon to cater my movie theme!
Cos she couldn't attend my wedding, as she's going to Saudi Arabia to work, so I think she felt a little guilty...
haha.... Really appreciated... a little sad that you couldn't attend though!
This angbao box was given by the hotel...
Guestbook from the hotel
Tada~ With filmstrips and some cute clipart.
This is the movie ticket whereby when the guest signed in... they will be given this to their allocated THEATRE no which is actually their Table number!
So cute right!
This is also drawn and colored by Lijia....
A movie teaser by Jiajia too!
Another talented buddy of mine, the Miss DIY, Rayne!
She has helped me on my childhood montage & DIY photo booth.
Because its too expensive to hire a real photo booth? haha which cost about $650 at least.
Visit her blog at
The props...
The Film board!
The childhood montage she did was real cool k.... Will elaborate more on following entry.
She's really a creative one!
I have thought of having some popcorns for the night too. So, Rayne suggested to have some logo on the cups... pretty right?!!
Mini popcorns for the guests!
Have been pasting, filling and tying them for 3 days. Lucky with the help of Xindy....
Oh ya, the cups are sponsored by Wendy.... :) wahahhhaaaa
So happy that I have so many talented friends around. Another buddy of mine, Wendy! who have helped me on the tying of big cute bow ties for the brothers and also a super cool blink blink microphones for Elvis & tracy!
Big cute BOWs!
Tied with blink blink strings
She's Wendy!!!!
Ok, this is the cool bubble bubble microphone!
Tadaaaaa~!!!! Amazing right?!!!!
Have asked help from a good friend of mine, Leon Wee to do up some movie posters for me, and table number and the invitation tickets. It's real cool... He's doing it as a wedding gift for me. Highly appreciated. He told me that all this hard work of his could easily cost $700-900. woah... Thanks once again.
The Invitation ticket to go along with my Invitation card.
He had designed a few posters for me. And I have chosen 4 finalized pcs. 2 English version and 2 Chinese version.
He's really pretty good.
The Big Wedding (chosen #1)
Some Taiwan show feel? (chosen #2)
I like this... I have personally asked for this back to school feel...
(chosen #3)
This was done last min because just got the know the storyline of "The VOWs" wasn't really good...
wahahhaa... He said next time he needs to treat me like his client.... signed the contract before any more changes.... lol!
(chosen #4)
I find this a little ghostly.... so yup... never choose
Same gown... so didn't choose this either.
Went to print a A1 size... pretty cool... I love it a lot...
Both of these were A2 size!
Below were designs for my table number....
Concept #1
Concept #2
Concept #3
Check out my Morning Highlights
Morning Highlights of my wedding
Wedding dinner
Wedding Dinner 15 Sep 2013
Finalize your Brothers & Sisters (兄弟姐妹)
We were having some hiccups on these initially. However, we have finally decided on having 5 couples.
5 brother & 5 sisters.
Some couples doesn't mind to have different number of bros and sis.
Some need it to be in even number... Its all up to individual.
But the more you have, the more stuffs you have to think too.
Number of cars... Amount of food... time consuming.... and angbao..$$$ lol...
The 5 bros... having their matching bow colour as the sisters!
The 5 pretty sis!
5 couples for my movie walkway
- Cleopatra & Pharaoh
- Superman & Wonder woman
- Lao Fu zi & Chen Xiao Jie
- Elvis & Tracy(from hairspray)
- Snow white & Aladdin
Cleopatra & Pharaoh
Superman & Wonder woman
Lao Fu zi & Chen Xiao Jie
Elvis & Tracy(from hairspray)
Snow white & Aladdin
Jie mei's dress
Instead of the usual all the same colour dress for the bride's maid.
I tot of having a colourful one. So all of them will have the same dress but different colour.
My friend recommended me the below site which is pretty reasonable price of $30.
Bride's maid dress
However, they doesn't have the bright yellow that I wanted, so I went to far east level 3 to check out.
Have gotten them at $39.90 each. It took about 2mths I think for the dress to arrive.
Trying out at the shop...
The colourful sisters!
Nice right? than the boring all same colour? :):):)
I bought the flowery bands from bkk... cheap cheap only... some of them put around their waist, some of their head! Pretty!
I have also gotten the wrist corsage for my sisters.
Bought them online at Qoo10 for around $3plus each.
Photographer & videographer of the day
Got recommended by one of my colleagues.
Frankly you wont be able to find this kinda price for an experienced photographer and videography...
Normal ones range about $1800+ ya...
The photographer was pretty experienced.... He will say some Chinese 吉利 stuffs when entering the house, during the tea ceremony. Our family and friends find him rather humorous and lively too.
He actually quoted as $1680. However, upon meet up.... probably got to know that Sam was a Malaysian... and they chatted along well, so he gave us a final price of $1600... wahhahaha
Below is what it consists in the package
Wedding day photography +Videography = $1600
- Alan Photographer (+65 97591469)
+ 400 pcs of 4R sized photo with artwork in photo album
+ 1 album soft copy DVD
- Johnny Videography (+65 90090312)
+ Morning Highlights + 2 DVD
I'll post more photos and probably some videos? in my next following blog entry.
Stay tuned k.
Guo da Li 过大礼 preparations
Below is the link of places which sell the Guo da li stuffs.
I found this shop through forums and colleagues.
The lady was quite nice. You can ask her all ur doubts, what is needed? what to do?
Cheok Keuw Bridal Co
Blk 506 Jurong West St 52
Singapore 640506
Tel: +65 6566 0311
I spent quite a bit in this shop. Bed sheet, tea set, slippers, lamps, basin, towels, sewing kits... etc...
The price list is in the picture. Checked it out.
I have found a few cake store online too. But finalized on this, although there's a lot of fanciful ones out there, I still prefer the traditional ones...
Kyo Cake Online Store
Traditional 10 Pieces (WD-T10)
A traditional 10 pieces different design of creamy butter cream sliced cake. Elders favourite!
(minimum order of 10 boxes)
$8.80 per box.
(minimum order of 10 boxes)
$8.80 per box.
An chuang 安床 preparations
Ought to find a good day for An chuang too. Will need your parents to make the beds for you guys.
Will elaborate more on this at my next entry.
Check out the Guo da Li 过大礼 & An chuang 安床 blog post
Guo da Li 过大礼 & An chuang 安床
Wedding invitation card
The hotel has directed us to this shop called the Lil-art Cards & Bridal Favors
Below are the designs that were given.
And we have chosen Card 5.
Kinda regretted.... Cos I ought to paste them and tie them all!
Guest list
Guest list is a pretty troublesome thing. And i regretted of not listening to a senior.
Please place 11 ppl per table for a start, because nearing the corner there ought to be ppl dropping out.
And worse still... some did not even inform you that they are not coming.
However, cos my number of tables was only 15, so it was still manageable.
Thanks to my sisters and friends helping out too.
Rough plan of the morning 接新娘, Gate crashing
You need to do up a time plan for the whole wedding from the morning.
What time is your photographer, videographer & makeup artist coming?
What time do you need your sisters to be there or overnight?
What time are the grooms and brothers reaching your place?
How long do you expect for the gate crashing games
Where and how long for the outdoor photo shoot?
What time to reach groom's place?
What time is the tea ceremony for both sides?
What time for your buffet lunch?
What time to head to the hotel?
Time of rehearsal and briefing?
Time of Cocktail reception?
Time to play the childhood montage and first march in & cake cutting?
Time for bride to change outfit?
Time for wedding highlights
Time for second march in , champagne pouring and thank you speech.
Lastly the table toasting and photography
You will also need to let the ppl involved to do their roles and what are required by them.
Things that you will need to bring, etc.
E.g. who to take care of the collected ang baos,
who will be at the reception to do the guest list? who to check the table number and favors.
Who to guide the guests to their tables? Time keeper. Coordinator?
I have the template file. If you need, do drop me an email.
Hen's Night
Hen's night should be organized by your sisters and friends i supposed... haha...
However, you'll have to play a part in having free dates and be sporting!
I'll blog about this too in next few blog entry.
Check out my simple Hens Night party
Hens Night
That's almost about it for wedding preparation.
I'll blog on my pre wedding photo shoots for my next blog entry.
How much did I spend on the whole photo album.
So, stay tuned!
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